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Dr. Rui Castro
Areas of Interest
Emergency and the critically ill; Primary and secondary prevention of cardiovascular events/...
Dr. Rui Osório Valente
Prof. Dr. Rui Perdigoto
Liver Diseases (hepatitis, cirrhosis, fatty liver, liver transplantation, study and preparation...
Dra. Sameiro Ferreira
Infectious diseases; Traveler's diseases; Cerebrovascular diseases; Diabetes and...
Dra. Sandra Correia
Cardiovascular Pathology - primary and secondary prevention, Pulmonary Hypertension, Heart...
Dra. Sandra Marques
Outpatient Internal Medicine; Chronic Diseases; Sleep Medicine; Nutrition.
Dra. Sofia Marques Santos
Assessment and follow-up of elderly patients (Geriatrics); Venous thromboembolism
Dr. Tiago Martins Branco
Internal Medicine; Infectious and Tropical Diseases; Thyroid Pathology
Dra. Úrsula Segura
Medical Pathology of Pregnancy and the Puerperium; Internal Medicine
Dra. Virgínia Soeiro
Autoimmune Diseases and Diabetology