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Dra. Sandra Tomé Correia
Areas of Interest
Child and Youth Health; Women's Health; Family Planning; Adult Health; Chronic Disease...
Dr. Santos Silva
Hypertension; Obesity, Diabetes; Dyslipidemia (high cholesterol)
Dra. Sara Chang Faria
Adolescent, Adult and Elderly Health Surveillance; Cardiovascular Area (Diabetes, Hypertension,...
Dra. Sara Gonçalo Domingues
Hypertension; Diabetes; Child, Woman and Adult Health; Family Planning; Asthma; Chronic...
Dr. Sergey Asyanin
Acute illness in children and adults; General Medicine consultation; Sports Medicine
Dra. Sílvia Alão
Diabetes; Family Medicine; Adult Health; Chronic Disease Surveillance; Health Promotion;...
Dra. Susana Pacheco
Disease prevention and health promotion, including screening; Observation of the various stages...
Dra. Tânia Mota
Diagnosis and treatment in General Practice; Preventive Medicine and Screening; Obesity;...
Dra. Teresa Araújo
Hypertension; Diabetes Mellitus; Obesity
Dra. Teresa Oliveira
Adult Health; Women's Health; Children's Health