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Dr. Miguel Castro Muñoz
Areas of Interest
Pediatric Otorhinolaryngology and Endoscopy
Dr. Miguel Costa Pereira
Musculoskeletal Radiology
Dr. Miguel do Nascimento
Sports Traumatology and sports injuries; Arthroscopic knee surgery; General Orthopaedics and...
Dr. Miguel F. Cunha
General Surgery; Minimally Invasive Surgery (Laparoscopy);Colorectal Surgery; Perianal surgery;...
Dr. Miguel Jacob
Neuroanesthesia; Loco-regional Anesthesia; Pediatric Anesthesia; Anesthesia for complementary...
Dr. Miguel Lemos Gomes
Deep and superficial venous disease; Lower limb varices: medical treatment, liquid and foam...
Dr. Miguel Oliveira e Castro
Osteoarticular imaging; Osteoarticular Intervention Radiology
Dr. Miguel Raimundo
Infertility; surveillance of the pregnant woman with and without associated pathology; minimally...
Dra. Mónica Diniz
Gastro-intestinal radiology; Abdominal & pelvic radiology; Gynecological radiology;...
Dra. Mónica Rebelo
Fetal Cardiology , Clinical Pediatrics Cardiology; Transthoracic Echocardiography and Fetal...