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Dra. Joana Chan Chin
Areas of Interest
Clinical Cardiology; Heart Failure; Cardio-Oncology; Echocardiography
Dra. Joana Cosme
Respiratory allergy/rhinitis/asthma in children and adults; Immunotherapy - allergy vaccines;...
Dra. Joana Granadas
General Radiology; Thoracic Radiology; Genitourinary Radiology
Dra. Joana Rigueira
Cardiovascular imaging - transthoracic, transesophageal and stress echocardiogram; cardiac...
Dr. João Barreiras
General Gastroenterology
Dr. João Casaca
Anxiety; Panic Attacks; Self Esteem; Anorexia; Bulimia; Depression; Obesity; Personal...
Dr. João Castaño
Thorax; Osteoarticular
Dr. João Centeno
Sleep Apnea; Pediatric Pathology
Dr. João Correia
Orthopedics and Traumatology of Hip, Knee and Foot
Dr. João de Brito Barreto
Oral Surgery; Implantology