Dra. Ana Magriço

Dra. Ana Magriço

  • Hospital Lusíadas Lisboa
  • Ophthalmology Consultation
  • Ophtalmology consultation - Eyelids, Orbit and Lacrimal Vena
  • Thyroid Orbitopathy Consultation

Areas of Interest

Cataract Surgery, Eyelids (aesthetic, tumors, reconstruction), Lacrimal ducts, Orbit (tumors, thyroid orbitopathy); Ocular Diabetes

Breve CV

Degree in Medicine, Faculdade de Ciências Médicas da Universidade Nova de Lisboa (NMS-FCM ).
Specialist in Ophthalmology by the Portuguese Medical Association.
Graduate Hospital Assistant at the Centro Hospitalar Universitário de Lisboa Central (CHULC).
Coordinator of the Oculoplastic, Orbit, Oncology and Lacrimal Pathology Department of the CHULC.
Coordinator of the Portuguese Oncological Pathology and Ocular Genetics Group of the Portuguese Society of Ophthalmology for the biennium 2017 - 2018.
General Secretary of the Portuguese Society of Ophthalmology for the biennium 2021 - 2022.


Portuguese, English and French

Agreements and Conventions

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