Dra. Sofia Couto da Rocha

Dra. Sofia Couto da Rocha

  • Clínica Lusíadas Almada
  • Hospital Lusíadas Lisboa
  • Smart Aging Consultation

Areas of Interest

Preventive medicine; Chronic disease management medicine; Micronutrients and supplementation; Anti-aging; Aesthetic medicine; Digital channel medicine; Functional medicine

Breve CV

Master in Medicine by Faculdade de Ciências Médicas - NOVA Medical School - Universidade Nova de Lisboa.
Scholarship for a 2-year course in Clinical Research PTCSRT - Harvard Medical School.
Internship in Internal Medicine (4th year).
Physician with activity in hospital emergency since 2015.
Scholarship for IWI Innovation and Technology course - MIT School of Engineering.
Award and immersion at Singularity University "Digital Diagnosis" - NASA Ames Research Center.
Master in Aesthetic, Regenerative and Anti-Aging Medicine -- Universidad Complutense de Madrid.
Member of the National Council for Health Informatics Technology of the Order of Physicians.
International Clinical Internships: Brussels (skin, hair and nail pathologies), Brazil (skin diseases, tropical medicine), Germany (mycology/fungus), United States (hair).
She lectures about innovation, entrepreneurship and new technologies applied to health at NOVA Medical School, Instituto Superior Técnico and at the Law School of Coimbra University.
Founder, advisor and medical officer in startups and NGOs in the area of digital medicine.
Publications, participation in congresses, speaker and several times awarded in innovation, communication, career in health and management.
Chief Transformation Officer at Lusíadas Saúde.


Portuguese, Spanish, French and English


  • Clínica Lusíadas Almada
  • Hospital Lusíadas Lisboa
  • Clínica Lusíadas Almada
  • Hospital Lusíadas Lisboa

Agreements and Conventions

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