Dra. Tânia Lampreia

Dra. Tânia Lampreia

  • Hospital Lusíadas Lisboa
  • Hospital Lusíadas Monsanto
  • Neurology Consultation
  • Parkinson's Disease Consultation
  • Migraine and Headache Consultation

Areas of Interest

Movement Disorders (Parkinson's, Tremor, Dystonia, Chorea, Tics); Treatments with Botulinum Toxin; Cognitive Disorders/Dementias; General neurology.

Breve CV

Degree in Medicine from the Faculty of Medicine, University of Lisbon (2006).
Complementary residency in Neurology at Centro Hospitalar de Lisboa Ocidental (2008 - 2013).
Fellowship in Movement Disorders at the Sobell Department of Motor Neuroscience and Movement Disorders at the National Hospital for Neurology and Neurosurgery, Queen Square, London (2010).
Hospital Assistant in Neurology at Centro Hospitalar de Lisboa Ocidental (2013 - 2016).
Hospital Assistant in Neurology at Hospital Beatriz Ângelo, since 2016.
Member of the Multidisciplinary Dysphagia Group at HBA.
Member of the National Medical Council (since 2016), Sociedade Portuguesa de Neurologia - SPN (Portuguese Society of Neurology) (since 2008), Sociedade Portuguesa das Doenças do Movimento (Portuguese Society for Movement Disorders) (since 2009) and the Movement Disorders Society (MDS) (since 2010).
Author and co-author of publications in journals and of communications at national and international meetings.


Portuguese, English and French

Agreements and Conventions

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