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Dra. Susana Brás
Areas of Interest
General Dermatology; Pediatric Dermatology; Cutaneous Oncology; Dermatoscopy; Laser Therapy
Dra. Susana Cabrita
Dra. Susana Groen Duarte
General child and adolescent pediatrics
Dra. Susana Lopes da Silva
Primary Immunodeficiencies; Allergy in Children
Dra. Susana Moreira
Coordenador de Pneumology: Hospital Lusíadas Lisboa
Sleep-related Breathing Disorders (Sleep Apnea); Respiratory Function; Obstructive airway...
Dra. Tânia Lampreia
Movement Disorders (Parkinson's, Tremor, Dystonia, Chorea, Tics); Treatments with Botulinum...
Dra. Teresa Nunes
General Pediatrics and Pediatric Pulmonology
Dra. Teresa Tomé
Perinatology; Neonatology; Pediatrics; Prenatal counseling; Breastfeeding and human milk
Dr. Tiago Bana e Costa
General Gastroenterology, Digestive Endoscopy, Inflammatory Bowel Disease, Hepatology
Dr. Tiago Castelar
Adult and elderly health; therapeutic management of acute/chronic pain; disease prevention;...