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Dra. Inês Moreira
Areas of Interest
Neuropsychological assessment for adults (Dementias, Mild cognitive impairment) and children (...
Dra. Iolanda Alen Coutinho
Dra. Iolanda Marques
Geriatric Syndromes; Diabetes; Hypertension; Family Planning; Pregnancy; Child Health
Dra. Irene Paiva
Dr. Isaac Braga
Urological Oncology (Kidney, Bladder, Prostate and Testicular Cancer); Andrology (Erectile...
Dra. Isabel Coutinho Sampaio
General Ophthalmology, Cataract Surgery, Surgery and Complementary Diagnostic Exams for Glaucoma...
Dra. Isabel Freitas
Heart Failure; Cerebrovascular Diseases; Dyslipidemia, Obesity and Hypertension; Cardiovascular...
Dra. Isabel Sofia Costa
Individual psychological assessment and intervention with children and adolescents; Emotional,...
Dra. Isabel Torres
Oncologic endocrinology; Thyroid and adrenal gland disorders; Neuroendocrine tumors; Diabetes...
Dra. Iva Bastos
General Medicine; Cardiovascular