Elevated standards of quality and safety in men’s health care, in particular for
problems related to the male reproductive system.

Andrology is a medical specialty dedicated to diagnosis and prognosis as they relate to male health, specifically with regard to sexual function and the male reproductive system.

Specialists at Lusíadas Saúde Andrology Units follow the highest quality and safety standards, supported by exams and cutting-edge technology in order to proceed to diagnosis and treatment for issues including erectile dysfunction, premature ejaculation, and varicocele.

Consultations and Exams

  • Consultations

  • Videoappointments

  • Andrology Consultation

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  • IVF Consultation

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  • Andrology Teleconsultation (via video call)

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Clinical staff

Dra. Ana Meirinha

Dra. Ana Meirinha


Hospital Lusíadas Lisboa
Clínica Lusíadas Almada

Areas of Interest

Andrology, Lithiasis and Urogynecology; Approach: percutaneous, endoscopic and open

Dra. Vanessa Andrade

Dra. Vanessa Andrade


Hospital Lusíadas Lisboa
Hospital Lusíadas Amadora

Areas of Interest

Andrology (erectile dysfunction, premature ejaculation, infertility); Oncology (prostate, bladder, kidney, penis and testicular cancer); Urinary lithiasis; Functional urology (benign prostatic hyperplasia, urinary incontinence)

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