Teams of professionals prepared to assist those who seek services
to achieve personal, professional, and emotional balance.

Psychology is a medical specialty dedicated to individual support, monitoring or optimization of mental and behavioral competencies.

Lusíadas Saúde practices a Psychology which is humanized, personal, and dedicated to providing the best care for the unique needs of each patient.

Interventions performed by Lusíadas Saúde Psychology Unit professionals are conducted in different contexts at the units in which they work. Their final goal is the promotion of mental health, helping those who seek services to find personal, professional, and emotional balance.

Consultations and Exams

  • Consultations

  • Videoappointments

  • Psychology Consultation
  • Psychology Consultation – Oncology
  • Child and Adolescent Psychology Consultation
  • Women's Psychology Consultation
  • Psychology Consultation – Infants and Children Sleep
  • Psychology Teleconsultation (via video call)

Clinical staff

Dra. Andreia Filipa Martins

Dra. Andreia Filipa Martins


Hospital Lusíadas Lisboa

Areas of Interest

Assessment and Intervention in Autism Spectrum Disorders and psychological monitoring of children and adolescents.

Dra. Alexandra Rosa

Dra. Alexandra Rosa


Hospital Lusíadas Lisboa

Areas of Interest

Anxiety and Depression Disorders; Adolescence/early adulthood issues; Relational issues and clinical sexology; Eating behavior; Pregnancy and Parenthood Psychology.

Dra. Joana Rodrigues

Dra. Joana Rodrigues


Hospital Lusíadas Lisboa

Areas of Interest

Psycho-oncology; Pain Psychology; Adjustment to illness; Therapeutic adherence; Grief; Palliative care; Psychological support for adults

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Talk to us

+351 21 770 40 40

7 a.m. to 10 p.m., 365 days a year
Number if calling from outside Portugal
+351 21 770 40 40

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Rua Abílio Mendes

