Technological innovation and differentiation centered on patients,
for the treatment of thoracic pathologies.

Thoracic Surgery is a medical specialty dedicated to the diagnosis and surgical treatment of thoracic pathologies including lung cancer, mediastinum tumors, or deformities of the thoracic wall.

Lusíadas Saúde Thoracic Surgery Units are equipped with the most advanced technological means for early diagnosis and performance of minimally invasive surgical techniques, together with highly qualified teams focused on differentiation to better serve patients.

Dedicated to providing better health care services, Thoracic Surgery Units have a team of highly renowned professionals in the treatment of lung cancer, having pioneered the single-port video-assisted surgery method in Portugal and in other countries.

Consultations and Exams

  • Consultations

  • Thoracic Surgery Consultation
  • Hyperhidrosis Consultation
  • Robotic Cardiothoracic Consultation
  • Chest Wall Deformities Consultation

Clinical staff

Prof. Dr. Javier Gallego

Prof. Dr. Javier Gallego

Coordenador de Thoracic Surgery: Hospital Lusíadas Lisboa

Coordenador de Thoracic Surgery: Hospital Lusíadas Lisboa


Hospital Lusíadas Lisboa

Areas of Interest

Minimally Invasive Surgery: Cardiac, Thoracic, mitral valve repair and pectus excavatum (Nuss) Surgeries; Aortic valve surgery by mini-sternotomy; Coronary Surgery without ECC; Video-assisted single-port lobectomies (Singel Port VATS) for lung cancer treatment; Hyperhidrosis Surgery: Bilateral upper thoracic sympathectomy

Dr. Nuno Guerra

Dr. Nuno Guerra


Hospital Lusíadas Lisboa
View all


Talk to us

+351 21 770 40 40

7 a.m. to 10 p.m., 365 days a year
Number if calling from outside Portugal
+351 21 770 40 40

New +Lusíadas App


Rua Abílio Mendes

