Highly qualified teams dedicated to the treatment of the various
diseases affecting the female reproductive system and to monitoring pregnancy and childbirth.

Gynecology and Obstetrics is a medical specialty which encompasses prevention, diagnosis, and treatment of diseases of the female reproductive system and monitoring of pregnancy and childbirth.

At Lusíadas Saúde, the Gynecology and Obstetrics Units offer personalized and humanized services, monitoring the patient over the course of her life — be it for treatment of diseases of the reproductive system, treatment during pregnancy, or promoting well-being post-menopause.

Focused on well-being of mother and baby, Gynecology and Obstetrics Units possess multidisciplinary teams capable of responding to the specific needs of each woman. From the obstetrician to nursing support and the most modern technologies, all resources are utilized to provide comfort and security to make childbirth a unique moment of happiness.

Lusíadas Saúde also has a Medically Assisted Procreation Unit wherein a nationally recognized team works in close collaboration with the Gynecology Unit so that more couples can become pregnant.

Consultations and Exams

  • Consultations

  • Exams

  • Gynecology Consultation - Clinical Sexology
  • Obstetrics Consultation
  • Endometriosis Consultation
  • Gynecology Consultation – Adolescent
  • Gynecology Consultation
  • Gynecology Consultation – Menopause
  • Infertility Consultation
  • Urogynecology Consultation
  • Fertility Support Consultation
  • Obstetric Ultrasound with Flowmetry
  • Obstetric Ultrasound with Umbilical Flowmetry
  • Twin Morphological Obstetric Ultrasound
  • Morphological Obstetric Ultrasound
  • Obstetric Ultrasound Twins 11 - 14 Weeks
  • Early Obstetric Ultrasound
  • Obstetric Ultrasound for Growth Assessment
  • Obstetric Ultrasound 11 - 14 weeks
  • Obstetric Ultrasound for Twin Growth Assessment
  • Obstetric Ultrasound with Twin Flowmetry

Clinical staff

Dra. Natália Cruces

Dra. Natália Cruces


Clínica Lusíadas Faro
Hospital Lusíadas Vilamoura

Areas of Interest

General Gynaecology; Infertility; Menopause; Obstetrics Consultation

Dra. Rosa Sardinha

Dra. Rosa Sardinha


Clínica Lusíadas Faro
Hospital Lusíadas Vilamoura

Areas of Interest

Obstetrics; Maternal-Fetal Medicine; Differentiated Obstetric Ultrasound; General Gynecology

Dra. Cecília Urzal

Dra. Cecília Urzal


Hospital Lusíadas Albufeira
Hospital Lusíadas Vilamoura

Areas of Interest

General Gynecology; Pathology of the cervix, vagina and vulva; Gynecology in Adolescence; Menopause; Gynecological Surgery

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Talk to us

+351 28 989 20 40

24 hours/day, 365 days a year
International Calls
+351 217 704 040



Rua da Lusotur

